Lindsay Lohan's Secret Birthday Plans Are Not So Secret (Celebrity Secrets)
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
They say wisdom comes with age, and it seems that holds true for our newly 20-year-old Lindsay Lohan. That is, she still has a ways to go. Just like the villain in every James Bond movie, our little rocket scientist Lindsay has revealed her secret birthday plans to the world, via the very secretive pipeline of the international press. TMZ spotted Lindsay's master plan which she carefully hid in an interview with Harper's Bazaar.
I'm going to go away, out of the country. Do something fun and different. They won't find me. No one can get a picture of you on Turks and Caicos.
It's brilliant I know. I mean, she said it right there. No one can take a pictures of you on Turks and Caicos. So is that because of the invisible force field, or the armed henchmen? At any rate, it seems we have a new mission for the world's number one spy, or at least some schmoe with a telephoto lens.
Celebrity Secrets Special thank you to Source