Paris Hilton Has A Gambling Problem (Celebrity Secrets)
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
In The News has confirmed that Paris Hilton has been losing a lot of money in poker games recently, and she is very pissed about losing her car. Paris lost her Bentley over the weekend during one hand at poker.
Here's what Paris had to say about the loss: " I'm obsessed with poker. It's my favorite game. I'm really lucky in Vegas, I always win."
I might need some help understand this, because it seems like she doesn't understand the concept of winning and losing. She loses her Benltly and then talks about how lucky she is? I pray to God every day that I run into someone as stupid as Paris Hilton. I can see myself owning a island in no time. I can see it now:"I bet you 50 million this rock will hit the ground if I drop it." I'm obviously a skilled rounder.
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