Lindsay Lohan Wants An Oscar And That's Not All
Thursday, October 19, 2006
(AP) New York Lindsay Lohan has a 10-year plan.
"I want to get married before I'm 30," the 20-year-old actress says in In Style magazine's November issue, on newsstands Oct. 20. "And have my house. And make the kind of record I want. And I'd like to win an Oscar before then."
So I see that Linsday Lohan has set some pretty lofty goals for herself. Well I'm pretty sure the marriage goal will be a cinch. She should have at least four or five of those under her belt by 30. As for the Oscar hopes though, I mean c'mon! The mere utterance of "Oscar" and "Lohan" in the same breath sends chills down my spine. The phrase "And the Oscar goes to…Lindsay Lohan" can actually summon demons and make baby seals explode. A Lohan Oscar would be the end of the world. Literally.
From: hollywoodtuna