Jude Law Dumps Sienna Miller's Crotch (Celebrity Secrets)
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
According to The New York Post, Jude Law has broken up with Sienna Miller for the last time. Or at least until next Tuesday. Really, it's just a matter of time until the King and Queen of relationship indecision undecide to get back together, or split up again, or whatever. Sienna's "friend," makeup artist Lizabeth Stewart, says Jude dumped her because she couldn't get over the fact that he cheated on her.
Sienna had come round to forgiving Jude and wanted to get married. She wanted to make the relationship happen, to get back to where they were.
But she wanted Jude to understand that if they ever had a row, it's pretty likely she would bring it up. His affair will always be a sore that never completely heals.
The first thing Sienna has to admit is that she can never put the pain of the affair completely out of her mind.
The agony of those dark days following Jude's affair will never go away. She wishes that she could have her memory erased. But even if she could forget, everyone else couldn't.
Whatever, we all know the real story here is this awesome picture (and various close-ups) of Sienna Miller's upskirt crotch shot. Jude and Sienna break up every week, but an upskirt picture of Sienna Miller's panties as she mounts a blue horse is something you only see once every other Wednesday.
Oh, and do yourself a favour and check out the close-up for a real good look at Sienna's very bruised inner thigh. You think that's from riding the horse, or Jude Law?
Celebrity Secrets Special thank you to egotastic