Jessica Simpson: "I Have Amazing Boobs" (Celebrity Secrets)
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Jessica Simpson has definitely left her demure, "good girl" image far behind her. But I guess a divorce will do that to you. Regardless, Jessica Simpson is now planning her own line of lingerie (once again upstaging Ashlee Simpson and her Victoria's Secret deal), as is using her best assets (aka her breasts) to promote the line, reports Tonight.
I have amazing boobs. They're just perfect. At school, my boobs were bigger than all my friends and I was afraid to show them.
Now, I feel they make my outfits look better. They're like an accessory.
Oh good old Jessica Simpson, what would we do without you (and your very large breasts)? Of course, if you want to judge for yourself just how "amazing" Jessica Simpson's breasts really are, feel free to peruse these pictures of Jessica Simpson's breats (and nipples) in a see-through dress.
Celebrity Secrets Special thank you to egotastic